
The owner

Assalamualaikum,mun's here ^_^ 18 and cute bhahahahah lol just jokingg jgn muntah ye :P welcome to my blogsite.thankyou for coming! do leave your footprints okay? ;)

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Basecode/Template : AtinTory .
Editor : Munira Hasnim
Header : Munnn


aloha ! okay woa lamanya tak blogging terasa rare pegang keyboard laptop ni haa, almaklumlah oghe tak bawak laptop kan pegi yuaye *jeling* lol

anyways, baru habis cuti midsem ni. seminggu je hah cutinya , but hey i have a great time with my beloved family ! tapi rasa sekejap sangat tau then when i was at home everyyyoneeee is working and school and stuff , it always been that way ! nak keluar dengan kawan tapi takda kawan :( i mean , my friends semua tak cuti lagi kan so yeah *nangisairmatadarah*

tapi tadi mmg syukur sangat sebab flight perjalanan semua dari sabah ke kl lancar . Alhamdulillah :) time nk turun landing dari atas tu dia cm strt shaking tau dah cuak dah , apatahhhhh lagi lepas news about the missing plane tu kan but yeah alhamdulillah selamat jugak mendarat :)

i have a lot of photos and videos masa cuti kat sabah baru ni tapi yeaaah you knowwww tak masukkan gambaq dlm computer and i'm using my roommate's computer anyway so.. *tu pun nak bagitau --* *suka hati gua lah ! * hahaha monolog kejap :p

okay, actually tadi balik terus tido tau that's why lah i'm here segar bugar as always muahaha ;> tapi sedih tau bangun terus terasa berat kepala, demam :( and i have ulcer :( tuesday i have quiz :( doakan dakuuuuu !

okay tu je lah nak habaq, semangat lah pulak blogging balik ;p my roommate was like, "amboii , buat assignment ke kak " lol semangat sangat agaknya kann

okay bye dearies ! i'll be back soon yah , BIGLOVE.