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Assalamualaikum,mun's here ^_^ 18 and cute bhahahahah lol just jokingg jgn muntah ye :P welcome to my blogsite.thankyou for coming! do leave your footprints okay? ;)

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Basecode/Template : AtinTory .
Editor : Munira Hasnim
Header : Munnn

assalamualaikum with lots and lots of love!

so its final people ! and im so scared and so cuak and so and so~  see i even talk keling when im cuak tau.

okay, i have arabic exam this tuesday. YES ! A DAY MORE ! and it makes me freakin shakin baby!  i really need to pass this arab , i have to make it exit this time please pweaseeee or not kena ambik short sem arghhh dont want lah, orang tgh cuti kot huu.

to be really honest,i kinda not understand the whole two semester of learning arabic. haaaaa buat apa ntah dlm kelas kan? lol no lah i went to classes okay , i listen to my lecturer tau just tak fhm je. nak tanya pun taktau apa yg nk ditanya so.... that's me... sitting there... quietly.. who have the same problem like me? yes yes i feel youuuu :3

so, my loving roommate gave me a book, dlm tu ada karangan arab. she was like, mun, kau hafal je ni ! in shaa Allah lulus. and , ohmygod ! seriousssssslyy nampak lah cahaya lulus tu sikit *sobs*

and we (me and my friend dayah) also learn with my dear friend, megat, who really good at teaching dummies ! i mean like seriously dude, where were you all this time ?! dayah and i dah mcm huuu terharunya baru tau banyak benda yang taktau selama ni T.T

and malam tadi pun, belajar dgn mai ! ahhh she's garang hahaha but faham tau belajar dgn mai , she's so good ! girl, i mean she's a hot girl with the brain okay woots :p punnn byk jugak tau benda yg taktau huhu
yeah so far, i know a little bit of nahu, and cara susun ayat, and now in progress nak menghafal the karangan or in arabic insya' haa gituuu :3

guys , pleaseeee doakan dakuuuuuu ! and my friends too. semoga kami dapat jawab dgn mudah :)
bismillahirrahanirrahahim, Ya Allah ,berikanlah kemudahan kepada kami supaya senang memahami dan belajar . berikanlah kemudahan semasa menjawab agar kami dapat jawab dengan cemerlang dan mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang. amin !