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Assalamualaikum,mun's here ^_^ 18 and cute bhahahahah lol just jokingg jgn muntah ye :P welcome to my blogsite.thankyou for coming! do leave your footprints okay? ;)

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Basecode/Template : AtinTory .
Editor : Munira Hasnim
Header : Munnn
dalida batrisy part 2


okaaayyy , i feel soo stupid right now ! hehh -- how can i forget my best friend's birthdayy ? huuuuuuu :'(

instead of being the first one to wish , i be the last *so sad !
mula2 ternampak some juniors wishing people kat HOME facebook. siapa punyaa harijadi ni , ramai betul yang menge-wish nya :P then i saw your name ! and i was like whuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuttt -_- PLUS , *on21th jan* hehh :/ and aku sedar time 24 january .what a friend ~~~
then i remember your words yang kat bawah ni , penat perah otak ni nak ingat apa yg aku lupa rupanyaaaaaaaaaaaa *sobs*

i'm so sorry dalydaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ! :'(  tu pun nasib baik tersedar kat facebook , kalau tak , hmmmpphh sampai bila2 pun i talak tauu. jangan malah ye , kalau malah2 nanti muka berkedut :P

so , i wish u a HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY *belated* BIRTHDAYYYY !

nampak tak kesenian aku terserlah kat situu HAHA

 semoga sentiasa berbahagia bersama keluarga tersayang .

 semoga sentiasa berjaya menggapai semua impian

 semoga menjadi muslimah yang solehah aminnnn!

 semoga lulus cepat lesen kereta boleh bawa aku pergi jalan-jalan hehe

 semoga dapat keputusan cemerlang spm nanti ! then masuk universiti study course pilihan

 semoga cepat-cepat naik pelamin :P

nah aku siap buat kek lagi untuk kau dalida , home and hand make ! lol :P

takde rupa kek kan ? dalyy kau kna fhm , secret recipe nowdays sgt mahal :P

again , i'm sorry  . hadiah nanti i post laju ye winkwinkwink ;) i love you and always do , tho we're far in distance but not in heart :3 


p/s : be continued in part 3 hahaha