The owner
Assalamualaikum,mun's here ^_^ 18 and cute bhahahahah lol just jokingg jgn muntah ye :P welcome to my blogsite.thankyou for coming! do leave your footprints okay? ;)
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Basecode/Template : AtinTory .
Editor : Munira Hasnim
Header : Munnn
selamat jalan sekolah trcinte :D
last day ouh!
tiada kebanjiran berlakuu, harap maklum NAJWA AZ :D
last day , SO BORED! -,- BUT! xde la boringg sgtt, just boring sbb kitorg xde bnde nk bwt jeh. xboring sbb dpt KEBEBASAN brcerite,HAHA.anww, cikgu pown dh cm xtau nk bwt pe, so sume org bwt keje maseng2 +.+ tmbhn lgii! cikgu siap bg balek pukol 1.00 lgi,haha. *ade mkne tuu :D saya, munirahasnim,najwazubir,nadhirahidris,ainsajda dan aqilahothman duduk brsile brsame2 di lntai lobi manakala dalidabatrisyy,alyaanadzirah dn amiraelisya puladuduk di atas kerusi. bagus kan?:D
and, guess what? kitorg storrie psl dajjal and kiamat thingiess. COOL, RIGHT? haha :DD takott ouh cite2 psl kiamatt, mati sume, sume org pownn sharing cerite maseng2. insaf aq dibuatnye. haishh, SAPE LAH YANG MULEKAN CITE DULU ;PP tidak lame selepas itu, F&N pun datangg -.-, dn tros smbung masuk cite psl topik td +.+
pastuh2, kene amik BUKU TEKS FORM FOURR kt bilik SPTB. smpai2 jeh, urh! sumpahpanjangg kene beratur. so nk tk nk kene beratur jugklaa. proses peminjaman sriyes lame smpai kitorg sempatt berstoryy ;DD bile dh tibe giliran aq, aq pown masuk dgn banggenye . amik2 buku,isi borgg, pastu beratur untok discan barcode plakk :D ttibe lak aq teriingt. pstu aq ckp kt cikgu,
"cikgu, taon dpn saye pindah " "oh yeke? pindah mane?" "sabah" "oh, xpyh amik.ltk je buku tuh kt sini untok org laen nnti masok " dgn muke penoh sabar , " oh oke, trime kaseh cikgu "
dan seterusnye aq klua dgn senyuman :) agk sakit hti sume tnye asl x amik buku. sabar sahaje lah ye mun? huhu ;(
anw, sume agk xde keje td. nad pown boleh maen basketball, jaringkn bola tuh sorg2, x igt org ouh :D lpas tu, kitorg dok surau lepak-ingg meanwhile budk IBH kumpol nk bincg psl jamuan . aq bosan, aq senget2 kn tudong then bwt muke cm org gile, yg dorg plak gelak jeh keje tgk muke aq burok tuu. daly paling xde keje tngkap gmba siap ckp lgi nk upload masok fb buat profile pic, gile dowh dorg! plus lak, aq ngn nad amik coklat qila gesek2 kt GIGI biar buruk ;D siyes korg akn mati trkezuut melihat gmba2 kami :D
oh, aq rse tuh je kitorg buat. just most of the thing, storiee la * story ye bukn GOSIP :D
* sori ayt gile kelingg ! tp bukn slh aq ye. mne tknye, aq tgh bloggingg, diorg boleh cm org gile ouh kt IM 3IBK ;P diorg, amirfarid,faww,hana,haziqgile :DD and, sume pown majal aq je lah kann? :D
btw,, sblom nk balek, aq ade nmpak org tuu banjir gile nk mati r ngn kwn2 laen. tp aq dh lmbat, so aq xsempat nk membanjiri bersamamu, FAIRUZAISYAMUSTAPHA :D
p/s : zoom ats , aq tgk aqilahothman tuh dh cm aqilah HOT mann ;P , KAN?
I'm The Owner
hey , meet the monster !
Name : Munira Hasnim
Age : sweet eighteen !
Stay : Kota Kinabalu Sabah
Hobby : online, watching tv ? i guess~
Ambition : i don't know ! still wondering~ :)
Superman : my dad ! Dr Haji Hasnim Bin Harun ^^
Current Status : i already got my spm result ! Alhamdulillah ! otw masuk U ! weeeee~
ex-school ;
Sk Seri Ampang , Ipoh
Smk Putrajaya Presint 16(1)
Smk Putrajaya Presint 11(1) , Putrajaya
Sm Teknik Likas , Sabah
some random facts about me ;)
i always laugh when i talk
i'm friendly *winkwinkwink :P
i lololove to eat.especially when it comes to TUNA pizza and chocolate
i hate hipocrites
and plastics
i hate reading~ i don't hate , i don't really like reading. erhh okay keling~
in real person , i'm a serious person , well kind of ;)
i hate it when i smile at someone then been ignored --
bad in english tapi selalu berangan ckp omputih, hihiw so whaaat. at least i'm tryinn ! :D
saya suka berkawan ! jom berkawan ? :D
selamat jalan sekolah trcinte :D
last day ouh!
tiada kebanjiran berlakuu, harap maklum NAJWA AZ :D
last day , SO BORED! -,- BUT! xde la boringg sgtt, just boring sbb kitorg xde bnde nk bwt jeh. xboring sbb dpt KEBEBASAN brcerite,HAHA.anww, cikgu pown dh cm xtau nk bwt pe, so sume org bwt keje maseng2 +.+ tmbhn lgii! cikgu siap bg balek pukol 1.00 lgi,haha. *ade mkne tuu :D saya, munirahasnim,najwazubir,nadhirahidris,ainsajda dan aqilahothman duduk brsile brsame2 di lntai lobi manakala dalidabatrisyy,alyaanadzirah dn amiraelisya puladuduk di atas kerusi. bagus kan?:D
and, guess what? kitorg storrie psl dajjal and kiamat thingiess. COOL, RIGHT? haha :DD takott ouh cite2 psl kiamatt, mati sume, sume org pownn sharing cerite maseng2. insaf aq dibuatnye. haishh, SAPE LAH YANG MULEKAN CITE DULU ;PP tidak lame selepas itu, F&N pun datangg -.-, dn tros smbung masuk cite psl topik td +.+
pastuh2, kene amik BUKU TEKS FORM FOURR kt bilik SPTB. smpai2 jeh, urh! sumpahpanjangg kene beratur. so nk tk nk kene beratur jugklaa. proses peminjaman sriyes lame smpai kitorg sempatt berstoryy ;DD bile dh tibe giliran aq, aq pown masuk dgn banggenye . amik2 buku,isi borgg, pastu beratur untok discan barcode plakk :D ttibe lak aq teriingt. pstu aq ckp kt cikgu,
"cikgu, taon dpn saye pindah " "oh yeke? pindah mane?" "sabah" "oh, xpyh amik.ltk je buku tuh kt sini untok org laen nnti masok " dgn muke penoh sabar , " oh oke, trime kaseh cikgu "
dan seterusnye aq klua dgn senyuman :) agk sakit hti sume tnye asl x amik buku. sabar sahaje lah ye mun? huhu ;(
anw, sume agk xde keje td. nad pown boleh maen basketball, jaringkn bola tuh sorg2, x igt org ouh :D lpas tu, kitorg dok surau lepak-ingg meanwhile budk IBH kumpol nk bincg psl jamuan . aq bosan, aq senget2 kn tudong then bwt muke cm org gile, yg dorg plak gelak jeh keje tgk muke aq burok tuu. daly paling xde keje tngkap gmba siap ckp lgi nk upload masok fb buat profile pic, gile dowh dorg! plus lak, aq ngn nad amik coklat qila gesek2 kt GIGI biar buruk ;D siyes korg akn mati trkezuut melihat gmba2 kami :D
oh, aq rse tuh je kitorg buat. just most of the thing, storiee la * story ye bukn GOSIP :D
* sori ayt gile kelingg ! tp bukn slh aq ye. mne tknye, aq tgh bloggingg, diorg boleh cm org gile ouh kt IM 3IBK ;P diorg, amirfarid,faww,hana,haziqgile :DD and, sume pown majal aq je lah kann? :D
btw,, sblom nk balek, aq ade nmpak org tuu banjir gile nk mati r ngn kwn2 laen. tp aq dh lmbat, so aq xsempat nk membanjiri bersamamu, FAIRUZAISYAMUSTAPHA :D
p/s : zoom ats , aq tgk aqilahothman tuh dh cm aqilah HOT mann ;P , KAN?