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Assalamualaikum,mun's here ^_^ 18 and cute bhahahahah lol just jokingg jgn muntah ye :P welcome to my blogsite.thankyou for coming! do leave your footprints okay? ;)

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Basecode/Template : AtinTory .
Editor : Munira Hasnim
Header : Munnn
a wonderful jamuan kelas 3ibk :D

OH MY GOSH ! so damn tiredd -,-
hri nih, busy day! *kind of lah ,actually xde r busyy sgt ,hee ;)

anw,, naek bukit! time tuh petg ,so patutnye xde mslh tp xtau r asl panas sgtt.* sume byk dose kott x ajk ustazah ;D
tp siyes, mmg sume SUPERB PUNYE HOT la knn.naseb aq pkai hitamm;)baju blkg sume org lgi pekat warnenye dri baju dpan, ada paham? ;D well, it's a sweaty sweetie =.=

jamuan tuh oke laa. but it would be COMPLETELY PERFECTT kalau ade NURUL NADHIRAH IDRIS and DALIDA BATRISY tercintaa.*korgg, aq dh cube sedaye upaye menunde kn hri tp xdptt.tptp kitorg save satu piza besaa tuh utk korg,suke x? :D
and of coursee without SYAMIL's gangg *ganggu jeh ;S

pstuh2, ade lak sesi baling2 belon isi air kt org, oh yeah, aq xkene ;)
zatyy terbaek punye kene letup belon isi air cocacola ,habis bajuu ouh.*haziq buat :D
FARIDZ kene cmpak air palingg byk. mybe org gune care tuh utk meluahkn segale isi hti yg mmbare kott,HAHA :D ade gmba, belum diupload, nnti showing ;D

yg palingg mencuit hati, AMIRUL SYAZWAN la, bajet nk buat cm beers lak. tau tak,dye boleh goncang2 botol cocacola *oke tuh normal la kn. pstuh dye bukak pnutup of course la air buih sume terpancuut kn, dye boleh cmpak botol tuh pstu botol tuh tros jatuh dri bukit.
kitorg sume gelak r, pstuh tanye "apsal kau?pegang jeh la botol tuh,bukn cmpak"
dye boleh jwb, "aq terkejut la!"
and great news, tuh la last bottle yg ade. mari beramai2 mengucapkn, TERIMA KASIH AMIRUL SYAZWAN! :D

andd, agk bad day utk zaty, lps kene air cocc dye dpt lak bonus tmbhn corak batik dimuke.fahmi dgn muke tidk brsalah lngsungg calit kek byk gile kt muke zatyy.haha, zaty saba jeh ;)

we ends with a great smile babyy ;D

ends kt ats bukit big punye smile lah sume bgi, time nk turun sume tgn seberat berat dunie nk tolong kemas and pack2 sume.
saya, MUNIRAHASNIM di antare yg malangg kene pack and bwk turun bekas gile besa dri bukit tuh.
budak laki kelas kitorg sekor pown x tolong pape kemas, MMG BAGUSS! ;D

tp sriyes! HAZIQ, sumpah syg la en, rse cm nk bunuh org pown ade skrgg ouh ;)
kitorg abes maghrib, mstilaa gelap2 cmtuh en, si gedik nih boleh nyorok celah pokok pstuh buat bunyi cm hntu. cari mati habishabisan la dak nih. aq pndg jeh tros jerit gile nk mati r kn lalu aq pown mnutup muke mnggunekn tudg,naseb aq tak trcampak bekas besa aq tgh bwk tuu. tah pape ouh, dh la botak!
si gedik2 laen tuh pown join gelak skali, mmg baguuss sgt lah! :D

right after the jamuan plus the showered of sweat, kitorg pown blahh :D

anw,susun spuluh jari tnda kemaafan utk semua.sorii kalau ade buat pape slh eh. tp kalau xnk maafkn pown xpe, aq xrase brsalah pown,HAHA :D

p/s ; it was exhausting but fun bebeh :D